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Markster - Privacy Policy

This policy covers how we intend to use your data. We take your privacy seriously and take measures to protect your information. The following points describe how we may use your data.
  • We will use your data to fulfil your order and maintaining your licences.
  • We may contact you in relation to the product you have purchased, if there is non-marketing information you need to know, for instance a technical issue.
  • We may occasionally email you to let you know about other products we have written, but if we do there will always be an unsubscribe option. We won't ever market any 3rd party products to you.
  • If there are upgrades to products you have bought, and hold a current licence for, we will email you to let you know.
  • We will not link your data to data held by other companies without your permission.
  • We will not sell or redistribute your data to anyone.
  • This website does not use cookies and your activity is not tracked within it. The data we hold on you is the data you've entered.
  • If we want to use your data in any other way, we will ensure that we get your permission beforehand and it will be made clear to you that we are seeking your permission. We will never assume permission.
  • If we make changes to our privacy policy, we will email you at least 30 days beforehand with details.

Markster Ltd. Registered in the UK. Company No 10432663, VAT No: 263300538. Registered Office: 1a Kingsbury's Ln, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 1EL