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Appster - Code Control

Management of your Appster code

Appster has built in code control. When a form is checked out, it is possible to provide a reason for the checkout. The same is true when checking it back in. A check-in history is available against the form and it is possible to view or reinstate a prior version of a form.

Forms that are checked out to you are shown with a green tick; those checked out to others are shown with a red tick.

Simplification of Testing

The unit of testing within Appster is the form. It is possible to provide a default value for form parameters. AppBuilder has the facility to execute any form using AppPlayer with the default form parameters. This makes it easy for the developer to test each form of the app.


Deployment is performed using the Deploy tool. It enables you to copy part or all of an app from one Appster database to another, e.g. from a dev to a test Appster database, or from a test to a live.

After connecting to both databases in the Appster explorer, much like SSMS, you can deploy an entire app, or a subset of forms.

While the deployment is in progress, which only takes a few seconds, the users will be locked out of the relevant forms. Once deployment is complete AppPlayer will load the new versions of the forms as the users subsequently access them. This is done by comparing the version number and update timestamp of the form to the one cached. This check is performed each time a macro is run.


Sometimes, it is necessary to stop your users using part or all of an app. This might be during a database/interface upgrade, or there might be another reason why you want to take the app offline for a while. Appster supports a facility to lock users out of forms, simply by right-clicking the form and selecting Lock. While a form is locked, the user is presented with a friendly message indicating that form has been locked by an administrator.

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